The Hurricane Incident Journal provides relevant spatial decision-making support for FEMA leadership and a view into federal information available to the general public. This website is a part of the FEMA GeoPlatform.
Individual applications shown in this journal are linked to at the bottom of each section. Maps and dashboards will appear inactive until live data is available from NOAA's National Hurricane Center. Wind and Surge data are taken from NOAA's latest advisory.
Thresholds for wind (i.e., 50% chance of hurricane force winds) and storm surge (i.e., 5 feet or more) serve as impact estimates representative of potentially major infrastructure damages. The values should not be used to guide population evacuations or other emergency management decisions. Check your local emergency manager or National Weather Service forecast for location-specific details. For more information go to
Hazard Overview
The hazard overview app is based on NOAA's Surge Inundation and Hurricane Force Winds data. For more information, view NOAA's nowCOAST map services and data.
This map also provides an overview of active watches, warnings, NOAA Rainfall QPE/QPF and Stream Gauge Forecasts.
The CDC's Social Vulnerability Index (SVI) uses U.S. Census data to determine the social vulnerability of every county. SVI ranks each county on 15 social factors, including poverty, lack of vehicle access, and crowded housing, and groups them into four related themes:
- Socioeconomic
- Housing Composition and Disability
- Minority Status and Language
- Housing and Transportation
The Hurricane Risk Index is the product of the cumulative hurricane strikes per coastal county and the CDC SVI for the given county.